Call Your Sister is a blog that focuses on relationship advice, self-love, and being true to yourself. We’re a mother/daughter team that created the blog to promote positive relationships and give real advice (like a sister) while promoting self-care and empowerment. Char and Via want to be the sisters you can “call” for laughs, advice, and love.

Char is 39 and resides in Denver, CO. She enjoys meditating, dancing to her Spotify playlists, and creating content.

Ann is 63, a retired teacher, and a mental health advocate. She loves football, chicken wings, listening to music, and spending time with her loved ones. Our motto is: “Be a better version of the self you’d be proud of.”

What is it that fuels you? We want to know! For us, it’s Call Your Sister. I love writing about my passions and sharing my perspective with my sisterhood. This is how we grow!
We compiled a cute little ebook with our top 5 blog posts! 🥳 Empowering women through self-care!

I hope you enjoy browsing our site and all of the unique content we have to offer. Read on and drop us a comment!💕

Make sure to check out our YouTube channel here, and connect with us on FB. Want to hear more about our journey? Click here!
Until next time….be love and treat yourself as such.
Connect with us on FB here and IG here.
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