Char & Via share a dual blog post and talk about DEI, what it means for our black dollar and ways you can take it back by choosing where to spend your dollar.
Juneteenth VLOG
Char & Via film a VLOG for Juneteenth. Sit back and enjoy! Available on YouTube channel
We Are Here
Tag along with Via as she celebrates MLK Day by spreading hope to each other and future generations to come.
Futuristic Reality
Char imagines a futuristic reality where our culture is celebrated and no one gets shot.
Slave Mentality
Via talks about “crab” mentality in the black community and ways to rise above it.
Pride & Heritage
This month is June! How did we wind up losing half a year? Its been a very eventful year so […]
Don’t Stop Making Changes
Let me just start by saying, (in my opinion) some of the best music came out of the ’60s and […]
Why I Celebrate Juneteenth
Hey sis! It’s June! 🙌🏾 I have been rocking shorts and sunglasses like a boss lately. Is it 90 degrees […]
Juneteenth; Why I Don’t Celebrate 😏
Via shares how she feels about Juneteenth, the traditions, and why she no longer celebrates the holiday.
Triumph Over Trouble💪🏽
Written by Via I was born into poverty. My destiny was written on the faces of my relatives and my […]