Day 13! We are almost to the end! One day! Today’s word: Grace. I am grateful for grace I am […]
Gratitude-Day 11 & 12
Sisters! ^ I could really use a trip to the beach with my girls. ๐ I work a 10 hour […]
Gratitude–Day 10
Today I am most grateful for self-awareness. Being self-aware can be hard. I have learned through my therapy journey that […]
Gratitude–Day 9
Today was a very interesting day. The past 72 hours have been very surreal. I meditate on a regular basis […]
Gratitude–Day 7
We are at the halfway point for the Gratitude Event! YAY! How are you feeling sisters? Today was a really […]
Gratitude-Day 4
Today’s Gratitude: I took some time off from my FT job and it has been very relaxing. Today I am […]
Gratitude-Day 3
I cut my hair. Today is Day 3 of the 14 day event. I was talking to my tribe and […]
Emotional Wellness by Via
Via shares her POV on emotional wellness and that means to her.
Char talks emotional wellness and shares a story of when her emotional wellness was not at its peak. Read her advice and learn protect/listen/carve.