Char imagines a futuristic reality where our culture is celebrated and no one gets shot.
Slave Mentality
Via talks about “crab” mentality in the black community and ways to rise above it.
Pride & Heritage
This month is June! How did we wind up losing half a year? Its been a very eventful year so […]
Don’t Stop Making Changes
Let me just start by saying, (in my opinion) some of the best music came out of the ’60s and […]
Not a mini-me
December 1, 1984 was the day my world exploded with beauty and grace. I found myself staring at the most […]
Fit Past 50
To all my sisters who have reached the 50-year milestone, congrats! To all my sisters who, like me, have been […]
April Madness
Things I Do For Fun This month’s Blog Posts and have been dealing with a sensitive subject. I want to […]
Broken Raven
Char shares a deeply traumatic event that shaped her life in 2020.
Personal Safety, Queen!
Personal Safety, Queen! This month is heavy for us and to break up the sharing of stories we want to […]