Char writes her gratitude for Day 8 and 9 of the gratitude event. Did someone say resilience? Char sure did.
Gratitude: Sliver of happiness
Char blogs about her gratitude for Day 5 and shares how to find a sliver of happiness.
Self-care Through A Health Scare
Via shares a personal journey through a cancer diagnosis of her husband and how it affected her self care and the family.
Dealing With Toxic People
Via gives tips on recognizing the signs of a toxic relationship and advice for maintaining difficult relationships.
Toxic Relationships 101
Char shares a personal story of a toxic friendship and ways to cope when you are in one. Read along and gain a few tips of choosing YOU.
Via’s Internet Self-Care
Via shares the M.E.S.S. Method and what it means to her. Celebrate Internet Self-Care Day!
Internet Self-Care Day!
Char shares the M.E.S.S. Method for Internet SElf-Care Day!
I Pause For Me
Via talks about “pausing for me” on International Self-Care Day.
Impact of Our Time
Char shares self-care insights and explains why pouring into you is so important on International Self-Care Day.
Healthy Journeys!
Char shares healthy journeys and highlights the struggles of PCOS