When I was younger the movie that excited me for technology and the future was BACK TO THE FUTURE. I was 1 when the first movie hit the theatres but being an 80s kid I just had to wait for a Blockbuster movie night or a friend’s house with cable to watch Marty McFly in action. In 2019 I met Christopher Lloyd at Comic-Con; that is still one of the best moments of my life.

😂 CLloyd touched my shoulder. I am OFFICIALLY a cool kid!
For this blog post, I wanted to share an imaginative dystopian world with you for a hundred years in the future. What will our culture look like?

Do I still meditate? How awesome does my silver hair look? In this future, I am 138 years old but with advances in medicine, I am still alive and thriving. 🙌

Taking a trip to Mars is affordable and a normal occurrence we take advantage of during long weekends. In 2025 a Green Space Project is initiated and for the first time ever, the world agrees that we need to act and protect our planet. 98 years later there is no pollution, leading to clear oceans, beautiful parks, and the perfect sky for stargazing each night. The sky sparkles like a diamond and every night, no matter what flying car we are driving, or galactic activity we are engaged in we go outside and look at the stars. This connects us to the unity we achieved during the Green Space Project, reminding us how powerful we are in numbers.

Entertainment is an immersive 3D experience that you can enjoy with the click of a button on any device complete with holograms. Every home comes set up with wifi and a touch screen ceiling-to-wall touchscreen interface. Traditional desks are no more and standing desks are the norm to navigate your internet needs. Homelessness doesn’t exist as Install A Home bought out HUD homes in 2172 and they are able to install a home anywhere, for anyone in 2 hours.

Dr. Dre cured cancer, Blue Ivy is First Lady, and Rihanna created the world’s first immersive literary book winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Celebrating Juneteenth is an elaborate event filled with week-long festivals you can stream from anywhere, teleport anywhere and feel safe knowing there is no threat of violence. The world feels lighter, more united, and no one fights over what beer to drink. This is partly because beer does not exist, seltzers have replaced the beverage, and Seltzer Bars can be seen on every corner reminiscent of 7-11s or Starbucks of our past.

This is the future I picture. This is the unity I imagine. A future where my nephews can raise their kids without fear of pollution, violence, and hate. A future where Dr. Martin Luther King JR and Coretta Scott would tear up from the brother/sister(hood). A future that is better for everyone.

What do you think? Am I overly optimistic? What does your imagined future look like? Tell me in the comments and remember….you can always call your sister. 🫶