Today is the first day of the Gratitude Event. 🎉

Each year I learn more and more about myself, growing through gratitude. I love writing, so much that I know one day it will be my full-time paid gig.

For now, I still have bills to pay and my FT job is a challenge. It’s very aggravating. It isn’t because it’s a difficult job, it’s mainly because of the lack of support at work. Patience is a trait I use most at work. I try to find my slivers of joy and happiness in me instead of looking for others to provide that. Most of my interactions at work are not all bad. Is that a patience award that I am receiving for preserving in this? I am not sure, but today I am grateful for patience and the beginning of a weekend.

I hope you had a great Friday and come back tomorrow for Day 2 of Gratitude!