Its Day 11! This Gratitude Event has whooshed by. Usually, the two weeks takes forever to pass and I try to soak it all in. I want to gain a lesson from my gratitude and the challenges I experienced.
Keeping it real, right?
In keeping it real…I am going to be honest. Sis, I lost my cool today. The person was not being kind and at the moment I felt they overstepped. Did they deserve my sassiness? Probably not. Did I apologize? Yes. Did I feel justified for my behavior afterwards? No. We cannot control how a person acts. We can control how we react. I did not like how I felt after. I should not have lost my cool and I told myself I have to accept the backlash that comes after.
This is why today’s gratitude is empathy.
I am grateful the empathy I was shown by others. I am grateful I was graceful in accepting my responsibility. I will do better at showing empathy to others. This day feels like a slight set-back with my gratitude. I hope it shows you that we are not perfect. In the heat of the moment, a slip-up may occur.

We get mad….say things we don’t mean.
We make mistakes.
Let’s grow from them together.
Tomorrow is Day 12! Three days left 😁