Double Blog Post!
Day 12 was semi-magical for me. Via and I have mentioned in the past her health concerns and Tuesday she had a doctor’s appointment. I took the morning off from work and we went together. It went very well. I appreciated the encouragement and optimism we received from the staff. In the past I have been told I am nauseatingly optimistic. I consider it a superpower.
Tuesday’s gratitude is hope.
I am grateful for the friendly professionalism the staff showed us. I am grateful for the hope that things will get better. Hope helps me get to the next level and be there for Via.

I am grateful for the ability to be there for my OG bestie Via. When was the last time you were hopeful?
Gratitude Day 13!
Hey sis! Can you believe we are almost done? One more day! How do you feel? Are you feeling more at peace? Has the Gratitude Event made you more introspective?

Photo by Mohammad reza Fathian on Pexels.com
I was debating on whether or not to go to the gym. I had a gym buddy who inspired me to work out, but she just moved to NY and I am forced to inspire myself. 😂
I worked out three times last week and was very pleased with my progress. YAY! 🎉
Today I kept trying to come up with excuses as to why I didn’t need to go. I play basketball at the gym (one of my favorite parts about going). One of my interactions at work was a patient who is also a basketball coach.

Well if that is not a GIANT sign I need to go to the gym, I don’t know what is.
If you are wondering, yes…..I went to the gym. I had a great time…like I frequently do. I went to the sauna after my work out and it was AHMAZING.
Today’s gratitude is inspiration.
When was the last time you were inspired? Are you neglecting part of your self-care you really need? The gym is my self-care and working out at home just doesn’t cut it. I need the atmosphere, the court, the sauna. Self-care is non-negotiable. Do it for you 🫶🏽
Tomorrow I will be going LIVE for my gratitude for the FINAL day!
I promised a FB Live on Tuesday, but my day got away from me.
Tomorrow at 5P MST I will be LIVE on FB in the Call Your Sister Blog Group!