How is it already July? 🤯
I frequently check in with myself and the business to see where I am with my goals. In January we talked about “being intentional” this year and staying on course. Let’s check-in!

How intentional have you been this year? ⏰
Looking back from January to now, what actions have you done to enhance your life? 📆
I learned over the past six months when you choose to be intentional that doesn’t mean the rest of the world is/will be. A friendship I valued and respected ended in February, this upset me when it happened and made me realize how a “friend’s” perspective of my safety is not mine. I was intentional and assumed everyone was too. 😂
I know, silly. In most situations, I have rose-colored glasses on when it comes to my friends and family. I am a Saint Bernard when it comes to loyalty. If you are a friend, I am there for you…period.

People see this and appreciate it for what it is but there is the rarity where people take advantage and I am confused why I am betrayed. 😭😭
You have to meet people where they are at. My 100% is not yours. That is okay, but if I am upset because you are not meeting me at 100% and you state you are giving me 100% I need to accept that your 100% resembles 47% (to me).

Via tells me “a reason, season, or a lifetime.”, regarding relationships. It is unfortunate…..but that saying has gotten me through several devastations in my life. Did I want to be less intentional? Yes. Did I give up on making connections? Definitely not! I have an entire sisterhood. Making connections is what I am about.
You won’t know the impact you will have on someone’s life without taking the plunge. I don’t regret making connections because they serve a purpose for that time. Are you struggling with being intentional?
These tips may help:
- Make a list. What are you trying to accomplish?
- Setting reminders. Alerts on my phone remind me of tasks that need to be done. If it isn’t in my calendar it doesn’t exist.
- Set actionable goals. If you want to lose weight before your friend’s wedding, don’t expect it to happen overnight. Working out, and eating healthy are manageable steps to reach your goal without frustration.
- Give yourself grace. You will slip up…..but it’s okay! 😃There were days that I didn’t go to the gym because I was tired, or wanted to watch Netflix all day. This delayed me reaching my weight loss goal. Each day is a new opportunity to start over.
There are still 6 months in this year!

Make every day count for YOU.
Take steps to make it better, no matter how small.
Remember…. you can always call your sister 💕