Char shares the M.E.S.S. Method for Internet SElf-Care Day!
I Pause For Me
Via talks about “pausing for me” on International Self-Care Day.
Impact of Our Time
Char shares self-care insights and explains why pouring into you is so important on International Self-Care Day.
Juneteenth VLOG
Char & Via film a VLOG for Juneteenth. Sit back and enjoy! Available on YouTube channel
Beginning is Beautiful
Char celebrates National Starting Over Day by giving advice, and sharing how she started over multiple times in life.
Starting Over
Via shares her opinions of starting over for National Start Over Day!
Boss Babe Day!
Char & Via share a dual blog and talk about their entrepreneurial journey for National Boss Babe Day (05/22)!
Healthy Journeys!
Char shares healthy journeys and highlights the struggles of PCOS
I am Woman! I am Strong!
Char & Via share resources for SAAM to keep you safe sis! Let be strong and heal together!
Sharing A Wound ❤️🩹
Char shares a personal story for this month of SAAM and encourages boundaries and healing within community