There’s An Angel On My Shoulder

I have always believed in Angels. I have had several experiences that convinced me angels are real. I saw them as the supernatural beings we are familiar with. They showed up to comfort us, guide us, or instruct us. This is true. I don’t dispute that image of Angels. But Angels are so much more. Angels can look like me and you. I know angels are human too.
My husband was diagnosed with brain cancer.
Mother Randall, whom I met at church (a retired nurse), came and stayed with him while I had to work. She was an Angel. She fed him. She helped him shave. She prayed with him. She talked with him about Jesus.
My husband died after a two-year battle. My pastors’ at the time, Dwayne and Judy…. were Angels. They prayed with me and for me. They visited him in the hospital. They led him to accept Jesus Christ’s free gift of salvation.
I moved six hundred miles from home and encountered other Angels. I had a serious workplace injury. My co-worker, Naomi comforted me, held my head in her lap and stayed with me til help arrived. She tagged teamed with another Angel, Mary, who gathered my things and met me at the hospital. She held my hand, wiped my tears, and stayed with me til my family arrived. These are just a few. There have been so many more.

For me, it is no longer a question of whether Angels are real. They have always been real for me. I am so grateful for every Angel that has been in my life. I look forward to more Angel encounters. I am grateful for the honor of having known so many Angels. I pray I am always sensitive to the presence of Angels in my life.

I encourage you, dear sisters, to think about your Angels. The supportive people who didn’t leave you alone. The ones who offered a meal at just the right time. The ones that stopped by just to check on you. The ones who quietly cheered you on. The Angels who gave you a pat on the back or a smile of encouragement. Let’s stop a minute to say ‘thank you’ to our Divine Creator for the Angels in our lives.