Via has her annual Valentine’s Day blog rant and explains how she feels about the holiday.
MLK and Happiness
Via talks about happiness and MLK Day for January’s end of month blog post.
Happiness in YOU
Via share what the theme of “Happiness in YOU” means for her in 2025.
Look How Far We Have Come
Via reflects on how far she has grown in 2024 and encourages you to do the same!
Drinking the Koolade
Its October 31st! That means Via’s annual Halloween Rant! Read how Via feels about Halloween and get advice on creating new traditions.
Self-care Through A Health Scare
Via shares a personal journey through a cancer diagnosis of her husband and how it affected her self care and the family.
Dealing With Toxic People
Via gives tips on recognizing the signs of a toxic relationship and advice for maintaining difficult relationships.
Football 🏈 Makes A Statement
Via shares her love of football and how similar it is relationship goals. Is that a flag on the field? Let’s dive into the game of love together in this sports-centric blog post.
Via’s Internet Self-Care
Via shares the M.E.S.S. Method and what it means to her. Celebrate Internet Self-Care Day!
I Pause For Me
Via talks about “pausing for me” on International Self-Care Day.