What I walk for Breast Cancer

When I was a child, I had a wild imagination when it came to my future. Didn’t we all?
Rainbows 🌈, princess parties, and a castle made of glitter. 😂

I wasn’t sure what type of life I would have but I knew it was going to be fabulous. I made a few promises to myself as a child and most of them were ridiculous (I didn’t marry Joey Lawrence and I no longer want a hot pink house). A promise that I am pleased to keep is participating in a Susan G. Komen Race. 🎉🎉 This year is the healthiest I have ever been and I feel it’s time to achieve a dream my ten-year-old self wanted. GOALS!!
Participating in this walk is to honor my grandmother’s memory and celebrate many others fighting this fight. The event is this weekend and I am pumped to be included for 2023! Pink is still my favorite color and I cannot wait to rep my pink for the event. I didn’t know how many events Susan G Komen has for Breast Cancer Awareness! Click here for more info!

I will be attending the 2023 KOMEN COLORADO MORE THAN PINK WALK! 📢
The past few months have shown me how beneficial it is to listen closely to my body. I am not pushing myself to do more than I should. I will not worry about fast or slow I am completing the walk. I am going to enjoy myself and have fun!
What is more empowering than completing a lifelong goal?
Blogging about it. 😉
Remember, you can always call your sister! 🖤