Fall is my favorite season! If you don’t believe me, click here for my “Fave Fall Things” Blog post. When I tell people I love Fall, sometimes, they confuse it with being obsessed with all things spooky. I watch scary movies. I am an 80s kid, and scary movies were everywhere in the 80s. I think it was a bleed over from the 70s and the number of serial killers in society.

I get annoyed when my favorite holiday only gets associated with Halloween and Spooky-like activities.
I enjoy Fall for warm drinks (apple cider, cocoa), and cute clothes (beanies, hoodies, and tall boots please), plus.. HELLO, leaves! Fall is just a fun season! I don’t like pumpkin patches (I will never understand why people attend these things). It sounds silly to spend hundreds of dollars on a costume I will wear once to celebrate a holiday that in my opinion should not exist. You probably are thinking “Char, it’s for the kids”.
Is it though? 🤔
Are we masking candy “for the kids” and giving focus to the spirit of fear and satanic worship? If you want to give your kids candy, do it.
If you want to plan an all-day dress-up party with your kids/nieces/nephews, do it.

You don’t need a pseudo “holiday” to do these things. When I was younger, I did not quite understand the reasons why we did not celebrate Halloween. Yes, I enjoyed the candy during Halloween, my dad enjoyed the candy more than I did. 😂

One year I asked my mom why we didn’t celebrate. She explained simply:
Halloween is a celebration of fear and demons, and that is why we do not celebrate it.
As a kid, teachers seemed confused that I did not celebrate the “holiday”. School subjects during October included everything Halloween-related (pumpkins, witches, and ghosts). I counted the days until November 1 when the season was over. I am 90% certain all the school parties I attended as a kid were changed to ‘Fall Festival Celebrations’ so I could attend. We painted pumpkins and had the option to dress up (I didn’t). 🎃 🎃

The reason we did not celebrate Halloween made sense to me… even as a kid. As I got older, I strayed away and indulged a little. I attended Halloween parties and entered costume contests at work. I was the Starbucks Siren one year and wore a green wig. It was fun dressing up and they were great memories with my friends.

I realized on my own that Halloween is just an excuse adults use to dress scary/slutty and get drunk. I have had plenty of party girl memories and I don’t need to experience fear, I have enough trauma. 10/31 for me is just reminiscent of the day that demons get to have their fun and we cover it with a blanket of “but it’s for the kids!”
For the past few years, I have refrained from all Halloween-related activities. I don’t feel like I am missing out. If you enjoy the holiday and think of it as fun, more power to you. No judgments here, sis.

I ask you to think of how a Halloween celebration affects others around you. Are you more on edge after 10/31? Do you have nightmares or feel anxious all of a sudden?

Are you stuck with more candy you need after spending too much at Target? Are you upset you spent hundreds of dollars on costumes you won’t wear again?

Think about this…..
Maybe indulge less? Try a new activity that brings you more joy.
Set new traditions that don’t involve fear, spandex costumes, and sugary candy.
However, you feel about this date….be safe and be intentional.
Remember, you can always call your sister. 🖤