What does “Happiness In You” mean to me? 🤔

Some people may think of happiness as an activity. Some people may think of happiness as hanging with friends. I heard that happiness depends on what is happening. So it comes and goes. Others say happiness is a state of mind, it depends on your feelings. 

I believe “Happiness In You” is more personal.

When I hear the laughter of my daughter, my soul smiles.

The birth of my son, who now rests in heaven, filled me with such overwhelming joy. 

silhouette photo of a mother carrying her baby at beach during golden hour
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

When I look inward, it’s easy to find happiness.

I have a growing relationship with Jesus.

I have friends who make me laugh, and call me when I need them.

I can always touch the happiness in me. 

Where do you find your inner happiness?

Can you find happiness in nature?

Can you find happiness alone? 

I hope as the year goes on, we can find and embrace the Happiness In You. 

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