Happy International Self-Care Day sis!

I couldn’t let this international day pass without recognizing self-care. Let’s pour into us, and take a breather after pouring into others.
What is your favorite self-care? This blog is not only about self-care but about the impact of how we spend our time.
In what ways are you letting your time be impacted negatively?
What is zapping your energy, time and happy vibes?
Is it doom scrolling? We all do it. I try to limit my screen time, but I get carried away. Reminding yourself what is important to you and what can wait will make the difference in the social media time wasters and one more episode of a show you are bing-eing.
For International Self-Care Day, I want you to take stock of your time and choose YOU. Schedule a massage at that spa you drive past every day. Get a pedicure. Buy a new bathing suit that makes you feel fierce. Dance to your favorite song.

We schedule our day with activities and tasks, but we are the LAST item on the to-do list. When you schedule out your week, make sure to pencil in self-care. At first, it will be a challenge to find the time in your day/week…. but before you know it, your fifteen minute dance sessions will evolve into an hour a week for YOU.
Starting out with fifteen minutes is fine, but you deserve the full sixty minutes….you deserve the full day.
I know what you are thinking ‘I can’t take the full day’.
You can.
You do it for errands, appointments, and getting the car fixed. As I mentioned before self-care is non-negotiable, you are worth it. Take the time sis!
Self-care for me is a combination of things, but I really listen to what my body needs.
It never leads me wrong.
Sometimes it’s retail therapy 🛍…. or journaling 🖊. Pouring my thoughts onto paper helps center me and has helped since I was a little kid. I should have known writing was my passion much quicker! 😂

If I am overstimulated sitting in a quiet space with my favorite candle, or meditating helps.

Lately, “princess baths” (long bubble baths that I relax in while eating chocolate) have been my solitude self-care. Music calms me and resets my mood.

I have playlists on Spotify I choose for different moods:
My after-work playlist when I need to zen out.
My high-intensity playlist for workouts.
My upbeat/pop playlist for when I am in a great mood and want to dance.
What is your favorite way to zen out?
Whatever it is celebrate YOU today. Its International Self-Care Day! Let’s celebrate and pour into us….we deserve it.

Remember, you can always call your sister 💓