It’s Internet Self-Care Day!
Let’s get messy!

When you hear the word “mess” you probably think of a disaster. Train wreck perhaps? In the climactic scene of the action movie, cars are piled up and the protagonist is running through the city streets. You might visualize paint spilled on a floor or a messy room. Today I am going to give you a new frame of reference for the mess. The picture to the left, it may look “messy” or you might think “what a pretty painting.”
Isn’t perspective EVERYTHING?
I’ve discussed why self-care is important and showed you how easy it is to add it to your schedule. Today, to celebrate Internet Self-Care Day I will show you the M.E.S.S. Method!
If you are STILL on the fence about self-care, this will inspire you to hop on the side of YOU. The best part about self-care is that you customize it for your needs. Play around with the wording to come up with your own M.E.S.S!
M-Mental health
For me, M is mental health. Making sure I take care of my mental health is imperative to my well-being. Do I need a friend? Do I need an extra session with my therapist? Have you meditated? Another “m” favorite. What can I do to make myself happy and my mental health a little better? These are the questions I ask to satisfy “M”.
Being active helps re-invigorate me. A walk, dancing to a playlist, going to the gym, setting aside 20 minutes to work out at home. These all help. The point is moving my body and getting those much-needed endorphins. My Zen is being in the gym, but when I can’t get to the gym I find other creative methods to stay active. Once you start working out, it gets easier. It doesn’t need to be complicated and we are fortunate to have free apps at the click of a button. 💪🏼

Most of us are not getting enough sleep. I adore the weekends for many reasons, but sleeping in tops the list. I enjoy my day better when I am not rushed to start and can enjoy a lazy beginning to two days off. “S” can be spiritual (meditating, nature walks, prayer, reading). What is your “S” in mess?

This is a new one for me. I have learned over the past few months that if my social meter is low I struggle. I joined a few local meetup groups and am enjoying the connections I am making. It’s nice to explore shared interests and meet new friends. During the past week, I attended a concert, went to brunch, walked around a Farmers’ Market, and had lunch with a friend.

Char at Ball Arena post-concert
I explored a new part of the city I never ventured to and stumbled upon a cozy, local bookstore.

I like the M.E.S.S. Method for its simplicity. It gets your brain flowing with ideas for self-care. Is your “S” Swiftie time or Surfing? Is your “M” Me time or Mahjong? Discover what you need and create a game plan for your self-care. Start your mess today! It’s Internet Self-Care Day, treat yourself! 🫶🏽
Check out more on Internet Self-Care Day here!
Remember, you can always call your sister 🥰