Things I Do For Fun
This month’s Blog Posts and have been dealing with a sensitive subject. I want to lighten things up for the last Blog Post of April.
Things I Do For Fun

I enjoy making Char laugh. Not in a malicious way, but we have the kind of relationship where we just joke and rib and make smart-mouth comments to each other. For instance, I will act offended when her lunch break is over. Char will be snarky with a comment and I will chase her to her office. We laugh because my bum knee does not condone running of any sort. Life is hard, but having someone to laugh with is great.
I am a Sims fan. I can play Sims for hours, get caught up, and have to give myself a time-out. For those unfamiliar, it is a computer game where you can build families, have relationships, careers,etc. I can build homes and businesses and basically control the lives of my Simmers’. There is a whole language that has developed from Sims.

I have fun cooking. I like cooking meals, Char is the baker in the family. I love cooking from scratch. I find this to be relaxing. I have fun making my family’s favorites and watching how they enjoy eating what I have lovingly prepared. It fills my heart with love.
The first time I tried fried pickles at a restaurant I really liked them. I thought, “I can do this at home.” I bought the very simple ingredients and surprised the family with homemade fried pickles. Instant hit. We laughed and talked while enjoying the homemade snack.

I have fun drawing. I am re-discovering how much I like drawing. I recently completed a lion sketch with colored pencils. I drew a tree using watercolors. I am working with Char on creating our Family Crest. I have tried drawing on the computer using some of the paint tools and I am attempting to draw faces and work with shadow and light.

I have fun and totally enjoy James Bond movies. I am not a fan of Timothy Dalton as Bond, but give me Roger Moore or even better Sean Connery and I am IN. I am a fan of Daniel Craig as Bond, I will take him shaken, not stirred.

I know the Bond movies of the 60’s and 70’s were steeped in homophobia, sexism, and racism. I am sure some sisters will say I shouldn’t watch them. To those sisters, I respectfully decline. I watch Bond because Good always wins over Evil and James Bond is always ready to fight the evil in the world. It is one of the first movie franchises that embraced Black men and women actors. It gave them a platform to show their talent and have success in future roles. I don’t agree with how women or African Americans were often portrayed in Bond movies. I don’t think movies have moved very far from the stereotypes portrayed in Bond movies. I do think Bond movies made bold strides to include women more than helpless victims waiting to be saved. I applaud Bond movies for portraying blacks as more than housekeepers and thugs, especially in the later Bond movies.
This is a short list of things I do to have fun. I hope there is something I do for fun that you may want to try. Tell me in the comments what are some of your fun things!
Remember, you can always call your Sister. 🥰