This year, MLK Day marks the 30th anniversary of the holiday. I think that is incredible. It is unbelievable to think of how far we have come. It is equally unbelievable to realize that we have not moved far. If Dr. King was still alive he would be in his nineties. I imagine what he would think of our world.
Would he be satisfied with his “I Have A Dream” speech manifested?
Would he tremble with anxiety that work still needs to be done?
This brings me to the title of my blog post. Dr. King stood for peace. His protests were not boisterous or aggressive. It showed the world you can stand up for your rights without raising your voice. We can show others what we believe in without being aggressive or threatening. We can stand as one.

In this sisterhood, it is the emphasis that Via and I believe in. Standing together, sisters in hand, inclusively…shoulder to shoulder. No matter our race, age, or beliefs. Standing as one.

When you stand up for yourself, someone will be upset by your actions. They will, it’s just life. I still have people tell me they do not understand the reasoning behind the blog.

“To empower other women? To lift up, and educate? To build relationships?!”
I enjoy explaining my dream that is a reality.
I prepare myself for whatever reaction they give me, and I protect my peace when it’s a reaction that is hurtful or insulting.
“You know people don’t read anymore, right?” 🤯
I like to believe Dr. King consistently protected his peace. He prevailed through death threats, attacks, vitriol…and he did not stop. How do you protect your peace?
I meditate.
I listen to music.
I refrain from aggressively disagreeing when people tell me “my writing” is a waste of time.

Don’t let anyone convince you that your passions do not matter.
Aim for the stars and keep shooting until your dream is in front of your eyes enveloping in front of you. Martin would be proud.

Remember, you can always call your sister 💓
Check out this cool article about MLK Day! Click here.