Today I wrapped up in a favorite blanket of mine. It’s a crocheted blanket a friend’s mom gifted me. It’s homemade and is heavy like a weighted blanket…..perfect for those days when I need comfort or a giant hug.
I wrapped up in it for a few hours while I typed a story I had been working on. The day flew by and it reminded me of the perfect Fall Day. Football was on the new TV. The Notre Dame and KC game were good. The OU game was a massacre and I am almost certain that Arkansas was replaced by bots because they lost so badly.
Football and comfy blankets are my Fall 2023 go-tos. Fall is also my favorite because the outfits are top-tier. Pea coats with colorful scarves and thick hoodies embrace us making our outfits reveal Opera-level dramatic. How can you not like Fall?
<—-Me, last Fall.
Leaves. 🍁 🍃
Apple Cider.
Comfort food. 🥘
Thigh-high boots that match your outfit/coat. 🥾
Cocoa with tiny marshmallows.
Christmas-themed everything around the corner. 🎄
I am a huge Christmas nut and anything Christmas-themed I am ALL over it…..

I personally think desserts in the Fall are better than other months. Is it just me or does every summer dessert end up being covered in a massive amount of Cool Whip? 🤮 …
but back to Fall.
Farmer’s Markets, fall-scented body butter, the scent of orange peel and cloves!
The scents of Fall are incredible. If you don’t know what I am talking about boil orange peels and cloves and your house will smell greater than Better Home & Gardens. 😃
The air is crisper and although snow days are cold…. the beautiful quiet as snow falls at night reminds me of a climax leading up to a Romantic Opera Aria. Maybe it’s me?

I try to find the beauty in everything. In the still quiet between the leaves falling, between the stars sparkling at night, and the oven timer for roasted pecans. What is your favorite thing about Fall? What is your go-to season?
Tell me in the comments!
Remember….you can always call your sister. 💕