At the start of the year, our theme at Call Your Sister was ‘Intentional’. Char and I determined that we wanted to be intentional in all of our actions this year. Things started out fine, but somewhere along the way, I kinda fell by the wayside.
Here are a few things that I have maintained being intentional about:
Keeping our online store, My Sister’s Closet on our sisters minds
Being Intentional with our weekly Whiskey and Talk
Sharing my passion for Call Your Sister and My Sister’s Closet
I haven’t been intentional with…..
my posts to Call Your Sister Blog.
I haven’t been intentional in sharing my journey.
It is hard for me to be open about my experiences and struggles. I will pull up a gif or meme in a second and post it without hesitation. When it comes to personal blog posts I fall short.

This is where my sisters come in. The comments, likes, and shares from you help me stay motivated. We are on this journey together and we succeed or fail together. I am reclaiming my intentional attitude. I am squaring my shoulders and moving forward in this. There is a sister somewhere that needs what Call Your Sister has.

I am intentional in declaring, ‘If not me, who? If not now, when?’. People are hurting, confused, and scared. All of us are. There is uncertainty in our government, our schools, our churches, our jobs, and our homes. Call Your Sister is a lighthouse in the midst of the storm. Our sisters that follow and support us are all a part of this great move to create a platform where none of us are judged. Where we can support each other in difficult times, and celebrate our victories.

Like the women that banded together to create the Underground Railroad, and the women that fought and still fight for women’s rights.
We are stronger together than we will ever be apart. 💪🏼
That is my vision for Call Your Sister.

This is my renewed commitment to being intentional for the rest of the year and beyond. 💫
Let’s strap on our determination sisters, and come together as a force to be reckoned with.

Let’s join our hearts and be the change in our homes, our jobs, and our communities that we so desperately need. We don’t have to settle for the way things are, because we are the change.

We are the fierce femmes our children, grandchildren, neighbors and friends need us to be.
Sisters, invite your sisters, aunts, mothers and grandmothers…..closest friends to join you in loving and supporting Call Your Sister. Let’s be intentional in our sisterhood. Let’s finish this year intentionally and commit to being the best sisters we can be.
Remember, you can always call your sister! 💕