The Halloween Version
I love doing my Halloween rant. I hope to make you laugh, think, and maybe consider alternatives. Here is my disclaimer: I realize a lot of sisters celebrate this Holiday, and that’s fine. My statements are my own and not meant to offend anyone. We can disagree and still be sisters.
We have been set up by society, government, and others to “celebrate” October 31. This is a pagan holiday that was carried over from the Celtic festival named Samhain (Saw-win). They believed the veil between the living and the dead was thinnest on this night. The trick-or-treat tradition came later, it was a way to ward off evil spirits. Anyone coming to a person’s home received treats to ward off spirits. People would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. You can find other facts by doing a Google search: the origin of Halloween

Drinking the Koolade:
- “It’s fun for the kids”. It’s fun to terrorize the most vulnerable of our people. And we wonder why we have “anxious, scared kids”.
- It’s a time to spend money on things that don’t last. The money for the candy. GONE. The costumes and decorations. GONE. Although the candy can hang out til Christmas.
- The cavities and belly aches drain our finances even more.

- Dentists love Halloween because they see an increase in visits. $$$$ all the way to the bank. I guess that’s good for the economy, but at whose expense?
- Even our churches are “Drinking the Koolade”. Dress up like a Bible figure. Gotta make sure the little ones are exposed to demons early in life, in a safe place,(the church). We will cover this in a thin layer of GOD with Christian costumes. How is that glorifying GOD?
To me, this is the biggest blasphemy in a country that says on the money we use, “In God We Trust.” Ha! 😂
I was part of a church that participated in the celebration with a magician. I refused to attend the Magic Show. They had food, games, and prizes in a “Safe Place.” What place does good and evil have to do with each other?

We need to start calling evil, Evil and bad, Bad. Let’s stop blindly accepting the same distorted beliefs. That is truly “Drinking the Koolade.” We have been conditioned to go along. My son was two, the last time he celebrated Halloween. My daughter never celebrated Halloween. When they were young adults, the decision was left up to them to attend Halloween functions with friends.
As an educator, my children did not make ghosts, witches, or scary-looking pumpkins. We decorated with kitty cats, pumpkins wearing smiles, and full moons behind clouds. The children were encouraged to dress up. They came as dragons, pumpkins, witches, and demons. There’s nothing scarier than having two four-year-olds climb your leg in terror.

I stopped “Drinking the Koolade, Halloween version.” I am no longer swayed by the hoopla and the hype. I am rethinking how many falsehoods I have followed. We accepted it as fact because the news said it, or the president said it, or my momma said it, or the preacher said it.

What points did you like or dislike? Do you celebrate Halloween? Have you thought about how this holiday affects others from different countries or religious beliefs?
Think about how much money you can save. Think about using that money to donate to a cause that touches you/your family.

How many memories can you create by taking your children/grandchildren to witness the changing leaves? Better yet, gather leaves in a pile and share the fun of jumping into the pile. So much fun! I still enjoy doing that.

Shopping for cool hats, gloves, and scarves. Think of the new traditions you can create that will leave a legacy. We don’t HAVE to Drink the Koolade. Let’s keep it REAL together.
REMEMBER, You Can Always Call Your Sister 🫶🏽