Via dazzles us with her blog post for National Be An Angel Day…. “Angel’s Mark”.
The Beauty of Books 📚
Via shares her favorite book of all time for Book Lovers’ Day and how reading shaped her life.
Feast & Forget It!
Via talks about alternatives to junk food for National Junk Food Day (07/21) and offers ways you can implement healthy choices.
Doing It On Purpose
Via talks about being intentional and what ways she will improve upon her actions for the rest of 2023.
Slave Mentality
Via talks about “crab” mentality in the black community and ways to rise above it.
Don’t Stop Making Changes
Let me just start by saying, (in my opinion) some of the best music came out of the ’60s and […]
Not a mini-me
December 1, 1984 was the day my world exploded with beauty and grace. I found myself staring at the most […]
Fit Past 50
To all my sisters who have reached the 50-year milestone, congrats! To all my sisters who, like me, have been […]
April Madness
Things I Do For Fun This month’s Blog Posts and have been dealing with a sensitive subject. I want to […]