This was written for International Women’s Day but my website was down on 03/08. Enjoy! 👑

This month is all about celebrating women. Today is International Women’s Day, and the month is Women’s History Month.

I am fired up and excited to share my passion with my sisters. A short two years ago, my daughter and I took a leap of faith. We formed Call Your Sister. We began a journey to empower women. Our focus is to turn the spotlight on the incredible awesomeness of women. Call Your Sister is a group of women who are dedicated to helping women celebrate their fierceness. We offer relationship advice, self-care strategies, and empowerment.

Call Your Sister is a passion project for me. As a black woman, it has been difficult to find a space that celebrates my uniqueness. Char and I wanted our sisterhood, Call Your Sister to be that space for all women. We are powerful and that power is not between our thighs. We are Queens 🔥, whether in a small village or in the White House. Call Your Sister is my baby, and in two years, my baby has celebrated our creativity through art and poetry. We have a poetry slam twice a year and have highlighted our artistic side with painting, drawing, writing, and singing.

My joy comes from seeing women try things they never thought they were capable of. I sketched a tree free-handed. WHAT! WHAT! I never thought I would be comfortable doing a video. Every Saturday…. my sisters join me for LIVE for Whiskey & Talk, where we discuss all the things women face. Call Your Sister is the go-to for women. A community where we can support each other in hard times, and celebrate women in good times. Call Your Sister is a place where we can lower our shoulders, unwrinkle our brows, unclinch our teeth, and be our authentic selves.

We can share the heartbreak of losing a spouse, a child, a job, or a lover. (Chia Buon) We can laugh through our mistakes, (gardening, relationships.etc) menopause, and all the messy stuff in between. We can lift our sisters up for the mistakes of the past. We can propel each other into our brilliant future. 🪄

Women are the foundation and the cornerstone of humanity. The Lord God said “it is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper for him. Genesis 2:18. Think about that. Our creator saw, in the beginning, the worth and value of women. That is why I am committed to Call Your Sister. I too can see the value and worth of women and I want my sisters to see it too.

Here is our challenge, this month, as we celebrate women, is to celebrate ourselves. Let us celebrate our triumphs, both personal and professional. Let us celebrate every time we have been fierce, every time we have stood our ground, and every time we have overcome obstacles. 🎉
Join us on our journey. Subscribe. Like. Comment.
Remember…you can always Call Your Sister. 💋
Yes to Women’s Equality! Thank you, Char and Via, for helping to empower half the planet!