Its Day 5! How are we doing on gratitude? Are we feeling a little stuck? Its okay…..I am too, but it helps knowing I am doing this with my collective sisters. This will be another dual blog post. Tuesday was the election and I was mentally drained after voting. Let’s get to it!
My gratitude for Tuesday is comfort.
The word comfort can invoke different emotions or images. Every morning when I wake up, before I clock in for work I slip my favorite hoodie on. My sister Liv* gave it to me and it’s the most comfortable hoodie I own. This is saying a lot because my hoodie collection is vast. One day I will have all my hoodies in one space, but for now they are scattered between two closets. 😂

I feel cozy in my hoodie. Tuesday I also needed a donut. It was another rough day and the closer my first break came the more I knew I would be running to 7/11 for a sugar fix. It was the best decision I made that day. Comfort.
Your favorite food in the middle of a chaotic day…comfort.

Your mom consoling during a rough moment? Comfort.

A text from a friend showing you love when the country is having a tense moment? Comfort.

I am grateful for the comfort and those in my life who take the time to give me comfort.
Big or small…I appreciate these moments.
I am grateful for them.
It helps those next moments get better.
Day 6 is below….. ⬇️

Today was a struggle with gratitude.
It was not a hard day and I am thankful for that, but I encouraged everyone to dig deeper this year for gratitude. I am trying to do the same. When I get stuck like this, I think of all the little moments in my day.

I went to work. It snowed. I stayed off the internet much of the day, to maintain my sanity. I checked in with friends and cooked dinner. I helped my mom fill out medical paperwork for a doctor’s appointment.

Then I remembered all of those things are gratitude in itself. Being grateful in the mundane.
Being grateful that the day was not filled with chaos, drama or bad news.
After two days of craziness at work, I am thoroughly grateful for the mundane.
I often say “we have bad days so we understand and can appreciate the good ones.”
I don’t know how true that is, but it makes sense to me.
Enjoy the mundane. Bathe in the boring.

Be grateful for the slowness of life, because it will not always be like this.
Love the pix of you!
Thanks! 🙂