A little kindness.

I can’t believe today is Day 8! The first week is honestly the most challenging and we have passed it! 🎉🎉 Pat yourself on the back. Today was a very good day, my personal goal for this week is to refrain from getting upset at circumstances outside my control. I think I did a good job maintaining my level of peace without letting anyone’s mood affect mine.

Today I am grateful for the kindness of others.
I am grateful to have the ability to reassure others in a calm demeanor.
I am grateful for the peace I have within myself and share with others.
I am grateful to be in a position to help others.
I am grateful for the little things that make my day worth living.
Join me for Day 9!
Due to a scheduling conflict, there will be no blog from Via for Gratitude tomorrow. Check out her gratitude posts in our FB group here.

Join us on FB Live on November 14th!