Each year, the week before Thanksgiving is Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week. For the end of the month blog Via and I are sharing how we feel about the subject along with facts and resources!

  • Intention: to educate the public, draw attention to the problem, and build volunteers and supporters.
  • FACTS can be found here!

This sisterhood stands for empowerment and what is better than being empowered by knowledge?!

green typewriter on brown wooden table
Photo by Markus Winkler on Pexels.com

We have all had that moment. You forgot your lunch at work, or you were running late and threw a bunch of random food items in your bag just to realize at lunch you grabbed the ranch dressing and trail mix instead of your triple berry smoothie you were saving. Maybe you are out with friends and thought you had your debit card but you don’t. ๐Ÿ˜’

fries and burger on plate
Photo by Robin Stickel on Pexels.com

It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Luckily the rare instances I have had an oops moment like this, a coworker or friend helps me out. Everyone deserves a decent meal. People are understanding. We all eat food. No one is solar-powered here! โ˜€๏ธ

fruit salads in plate
Photo by Ella Olsson on Pexels.com

It’s not just the U.S. that suffers from hunger and homelessness. This is a worldwide problem and we are living in a post-pandemic world that is still struggling. A third of the population in the United States lives in households making less than $55,000/year. Over 580,000 people find themselves homeless on any given night and an alarming 795 million Americans do not have enough food to support themselves.*

One country has eradicated homelessness by changing its public policy and supporting and placing prevention measures. Homelessness in Finland has decreased 11% since 2022 and is steadily improving the homeless issues in their country. If Finland can do it I am positive America can come up with a solution that supports and works for everyone.

white bedspread beside glass sliding door
Photo by Lina Kivaka on Pexels.com

Bread for the World~ Click here!
Feeding America ~ Click here!

Check out our resource page here!

*Resources: https://www.rmhumanservices.org/single-post/making-a-difference-during-hunger-and-homelessness-awareness-week-2023


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