Empathy & Co-workers

Have you ever had a bad day? A really bad day? 😫 Where tears are constantly flowing and there seems to be no relief? Today was one of those days. It is Monday, and it was one of the Mondayest days I have had in a while. I frequently say “You have bad days to appreciate the good”, as I type this I dislike the sound of that statement because it rings true today.

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Tomorrow is Day 14 for the Gratitude Event! We made it!

Spending fourteen days with myself on gratitude is a challenge every year. There are lessons in each day and most of the time, the day is at an end and I disregard the good, and the bad only rejoicing that it’s over. I hope I remember these moments when I am rushing through a task next week.

Noticing the little bits of gratitude in each day like… standing up for myself when a manager is not acknowledging me…

Or a coworker texting gifs and words of encouragement…..

Or a therapist going past session time because the tears won’t stop.

I am grateful for gratitude.

I am grateful for healing through traumas.

I am grateful for the hard days and the good.

I am grateful for co-workers who turn into work besties.

people doing group hand cheer
Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro on Pexels.com

I am grateful for empathy and grace.

Tomorrow join us LIVE on FB inside our group for a special event!

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