Dear Sisters…. have we really made Martin Luther King’s dream come true?
We can attend school with other races and ethnicities, even multiple genders. (Not sure that was part of MLK’s dream), but that’s just me.
We can sit anywhere we want, in restaurants, on buses, even buying a house.
Is this your “happiness” 😊?

I am so thankful for how MLK’s dream propelled us towards change. Looking around me though makes me wonder, did we stop? 🛑
Are we sending our children into a much more dangerous world, feeling defeated, not seen, and more importantly not heard?

Where’s the laughter from children?
Where’s the joy in families?
Where’s the “happiness In You”? ❤️

If we are unable to find our happiness, we are in trouble. We have to find the happiness that is within each of us. Let’s send our kids out of the house, laughing at a “Dad” joke.

How about putting butterscotch candy on a coworker’s desk when they are having a bad day? Get an extra coffee for the bus driver who waits for you.
I believe in our sisterhood and the value in all of us.
Try taking a few seconds or a few minutes to spend time being HAPPY 😀.

Jump rope.
Take a leap in the leaves.
Try to catch a snowflake.
These simple pleasures can add to Happiness ☺️.
Think on these things sister as we celebrate MLK Day and celebrate you in 2025. 🥰