It’s hard to write this post with everything going on in the world. 💔 Juneteenth and Father’s Day fell on the same date this year. Via and I planned a Juneteenth post, but we wanted to honor Fathers as well. Yesterday the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.

I am filled with several emotions, most of them being angry, frustrated, and defeated (see images at the end of this post). Alas, I still want to honor my father and I promised you this post!
My dad was incredible. We had a great relationship. He taught me so much about life and in light of yesterday I realize I am fortunate to have a father that allowed me to be independent. Tom taught me to treat others with respect, and to be ruthless at pool and dominoes. I would not say I have brought people to tears but I have been told I am cutthroat at the domino table. Tom showed me cooking is an art of patience.
Every morning I woke up at my parent’s house, he cooked me breakfast. This includes middle school through adulthood, yeah I was that spoiled. 😅
He treated me like a princess and it’s influenced me to aim higher in relationships. At the very base, I deserve respect. Tom taught me to stand up for myself and introduced me to The Beatles which I will forever appreciate. His ability to crack jokes and have a smile on his face is a trait from both my parents I simply adore.

Whenever I visit a park I think of him, most of my childhood weekends were spent at a park (loved the swings) and he never complained about another trip to the park. When my dad passed away, listening to those songs held a deeper meaning. There were a few times when hearing the song ‘Hey Jude’ resulted in tears. I treasure the fact my dad was always reliable, showing me my time matters and not to waste others.
Some of these lessons I reflected on while I typed this and others I have carried with me for years. My graduation photo of me and my dad hangs above my bedroom door. It makes me smile and on bad days I am transformed to graduation day in the developed memory. There is not anyone that would have been a better father for me and I am blessed to experience that. Let’s raise a glass to fathers everywhere for being the stand-up men we need more of.