One of my favorite photos of us.

Compassion from Via

Hopefully you can tell by now that Via and I have a close relationship. People have asked me what “the secret” is or how we remain so close. The only response I can give is we honestly are open with each other. My mom has allowed me to grow, make mistakes, and learn from them. She doesn’t insert herself in the middle of my personal relationships and she gives advice from an open mind, without judgement. Our relationship has evolved and flowed quite easily through the years and although there has been conflict (we’re not perfect), they are always temporary blips and then we are back on course.

Char & Via in Feb 2020

Yesterday I was triggered by my attack that happened in 2020 and she was there for me. She was very compassionate and helped me cope when I arrived home. I am usually pretty receptive to my triggers, but sometimes it comes out of nowhere and I am stuck inside my head trying to find the exit out.

grayscale photo of a person hugging self
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on

Last night was a “sometimes” moment and I am grateful Via was there and able to be my support. She is an incredibly compassionate person and I was grateful for her every day specifically yesterday.

I am grateful for my strength and resilience.

I am grateful for comfy time on the couch.

I am grateful for BLTs with all the veggies in my fridge.

When was the last time you showed compassion?

We are almost to day 14! What is your favorite day gratitude so far?

2 Replies to “Gratitude ~ Day 10 ”

  1. That is most heartsong I have heard in a long time. You are growing and have grown into such a wonderful faithful Woman of God. You are my joy and pleasure.

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