As the year comes to an end, I would like to share with my sisters a wonderful Christmas memory. This is just one of many.

My future husband asked me to marry him. I said ‘Yes’ and we set the date for December 23, 1994. Christmas weddings seem so romantic…on TV. We believed we could pull it off. We shopped together for his suit, my dress, and our rings. My best friend ordered the cake and did the decorating. My brother was going to officiate and the reception would be at his church. My mother had finally, at the ninth hour, decided to come. Everything was falling into place.
I was a nervous wreck. 😱 Of course!

My God-daughter helped me get dressed. I kept asking my BFF if my husband was at the church yet. It was a beautiful chaos. The ceremony went off without a hitch. There were a few bumps in the road. No one loaded the video camera so there was nothing recorded.
The plan was to spend one night at the hotel, finish our last-minute gift-buying, and be home in time to spend Christmas with our kids. It was madness! Anyone who has shopped on Christmas Eve is CRAZY! We were CRAZY! There were sooo many people… crying children and anxious parents. Luckily were just looking for stocking stuffers and a small gift for our respective bosses.

We arrived home to excited children, family, and friends. We loved on them. They loved on us and all the fury of the last week melted away. I looked at my new husband. He had the biggest smile on his face, and so much love in his eyes. I was swept away. I knew no matter what lay before us, this was going to be a marvelous ride.

We were a family!
We were together!
The dream I had as a child to get married, have children, and a rewarding career had all come true. At that moment I was Cinderella. I was every princess who’s dreams had come true.

I had my Happily Ever After! Despite all the ups and downs, this was the most perfectly wonderful Christmas of all. What is your favorite Christmas memory? Comment below 👇🏽 and Merry Christmas!