Via goofing off.

There is a country/western singer, Chris Stapleton, who sings a song called Starting Over. I encourage all my sisters to listen closely to the lyrics at least once. He is singing about being at a crossroads.

How many times have we reached the crossroad in our lives?

We may be at a crossroad right now?

What is our next step? Where do we go from here? 

Each day should be our “Starting Over”. With each sunrise, we have another chance to Start Over. We have a brand new opportunity to start living our lives ON PURPOSE. We  can start managing our anger. We can start loving others as we love ourselves, and if we don’t love ourselves,  we can start right there. 

woman holding handmade placard over face
Photo by Moe Magners on

We can decide to lay aside the bitterness, the hurt, the misunderstandings that we have guarded and Start Over on a new path. We can shake ourselves free from the lies and the ideas that no longer work.

How does this happen? Not overnight for sure.

It happens by Keeping It Real.

Real honesty with ourselves.

Real commitment to our relationships, the ones that work and especially those that don’t.

Let’s Start Over being real with our love, our friendships, our co-workers, our neighbors, and even our enemies. We are the Captain of our ships, we can steer the steady course we have always been on; OR we can set a course to become better.

portrait of woman in water
Captain Vibes. Photo by Olga Serdinksaya on

As a sister of our group, it is our destiny to empower each other, build each other up, and encourage one another. We rejoice in our triumphs, and bond during our defeats.

the word failure spelled out in scrabble letters
Photo by Markus Winkler on

We grow, learn and become all that we were created to become.

photo of empty road in between grass field during golden hour
Photo by Josh Hild on

If this is you, let’s keep Starting Over for the rest of the year.


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