Char & Via film a VLOG for Juneteenth. Sit back and enjoy! Available on YouTube channel
Beginning is Beautiful
Char celebrates National Starting Over Day by giving advice, and sharing how she started over multiple times in life.
Starting Over
Via shares her opinions of starting over for National Start Over Day!
Boss Babe Day!
Char & Via share a dual blog and talk about their entrepreneurial journey for National Boss Babe Day (05/22)!
Healthy Journeys!
Char shares healthy journeys and highlights the struggles of PCOS
I am Woman! I am Strong!
Char & Via share resources for SAAM to keep you safe sis! Let be strong and heal together!
Sharing A Wound ❤️🩹
Char shares a personal story for this month of SAAM and encourages boundaries and healing within community
A Mothers Hurt
Via shares her parenting struggles as a teen and asks do we nurture or master our children?
IWD Day!
Char talks about investing in YOU! The best investment of all on IWD. Happy Women’s Day!
Via Invests
Head on over to our YouTube channel here and check out Via’s latest VLOG! Happy International Women’s Day!
We Are Here
Tag along with Via as she celebrates MLK Day by spreading hope to each other and future generations to come.
2024 Means Keeping It Real
Char shares the theme for 2024 (Keeping It Real) and what that phrase means to her!
My Christmas Wedding
Via shares one of her favorite memories of Christmas! What is your favorite memory?
Christmas Memory Lane
Char shares her favorite Christmas memories and encourages the sisterhood to make the end of 2023 great!
Celebrate YOU 🎉
Char starts the first blog of December reminding you to celebrate YOU. Tis the season to celebrate accomplishments! You’re a gift too!
A Celebration Of Praise
Vis shares what “intentional celebration” means to her and she chooses to celebrate!
Anybody Home?
Via gives her take on the crisis of homelessness and hunger in America for National Hunger and Homeless Week. Settle in, its ranty.
Hungry & Alone
Char shares facts and resources for National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week.
Gratitude ~ Day XIII
Char shares gratitude of empathy, coworkers and how she managed a rough Monday.
Gratitude ~ Day XII
Char expresses gratitude for an uncluttered workspace and tackling projects.
Gratitude ~ Day 11
Char shares gratitude for day 11 and how her relationship with Via has evolved.
Gratitude ~ Day 10 
Char shares gratitude for Via, and their relationship for day 10 of the Gratitude Event! What are you grateful for today?
Gratitude ~ Day 8!
Char expresses gratitude for kindness and maintaining peace throughout her day. Are you allowing your peace to be stolen?
Gratitude Event ~ Dual Post!
Char expresses gratitude for her brother (day six), and gratitude for hydration (day seven) for the 14 day Gratitude Event. What gratitude did you reflect on today?
Gratitude ~ Day 5
Day 5/14 for Gratitude Event! Char shares her gratitude of rest and recharging herself before the week ahead.
Gratitude ~ Day 3
Char from CYS Blog shares day four of gratitude encouraging others to unplug from the noise of life and reflect.
Gratitude Event ~ Day 2
Char is back with day two of gratitude! Char shares her story of pushing through her struggles leading to self-care, resulting in gratitude for self-care, resilience, and growth.
Gratitude Event ~ Day 1
Day 1 of CYS Blog’s Annual Gratitude Event! Char shares how Day 1 went for her. How are you expressing gratitude?
WE Are Blk Entrepreneurs 🖤
Read how Char overcame personal struggles by building a supportive entrepreneurial community for women. Happy Black Entrepreneur Day!
Let’s Be Better! 🖤
Celebrating Black Entrepreneur Day, the article emphasizes the importance of community support and collaboration for black businesses to thrive.
Breast Friends
What I walk for Breast Cancer When I was a child, I had a wild imagination when it came to […]
Self-care: Stay Vigilant
I want to share THREE areas in which Self-Care is important to me as I mature. The first is physical. […]
3rd & 10
Via discusses 3rd & 10 and how it applies to football and life.
Char’s Favorite Fall Things
Its Char’s annual Char’s Favorite Fall Things Blog Post!
Empowered Kindness 🫶🏽
Char celebrates “National Be An Angel Day” by empowering us all to be a little kinder and extend grace.
Angel’s Mark
Via dazzles us with her blog post for National Be An Angel Day…. “Angel’s Mark”.
The Beauty of Books 📚
Via shares her favorite book of all time for Book Lovers’ Day and how reading shaped her life.
Feast & Forget It!
Via talks about alternatives to junk food for National Junk Food Day (07/21) and offers ways you can implement healthy choices.
Intentionally Independent
Char gives advice on being intentional, how she stays intentional and what you can do to get back on track!
Doing It On Purpose
Via talks about being intentional and what ways she will improve upon her actions for the rest of 2023.
Futuristic Reality
Char imagines a futuristic reality where our culture is celebrated and no one gets shot.
Slave Mentality
Via talks about “crab” mentality in the black community and ways to rise above it.
Pride & Heritage
This month is June! How did we wind up losing half a year? Its been a very eventful year so […]
Don’t Stop Making Changes
Let me just start by saying, (in my opinion) some of the best music came out of the ’60s and […]
Not a mini-me
December 1, 1984 was the day my world exploded with beauty and grace. I found myself staring at the most […]
Fit Past 50
To all my sisters who have reached the 50-year milestone, congrats! To all my sisters who, like me, have been […]
April Madness
Things I Do For Fun This month’s Blog Posts and have been dealing with a sensitive subject. I want to […]
Broken Raven
Char shares a deeply traumatic event that shaped her life in 2020.
Personal Safety, Queen!
Personal Safety, Queen! This month is heavy for us and to break up the sharing of stories we want to […]
Voiceless 💔
Char shares a personal story of her history with sexual assault and how she has grown from it.
Surviving SAAM
TRIGGER ALERT!! . . . . . Talking about sexual abuse and assault is a sensitive subject for most of […]
The Women Who Inspired Me For More
This is the last blog post for March! 😩I have enjoyed this month immensely. From Whiskey + Talk on Facebook […]
Women’s Influence
This is the last Blog post for March. I cannot believe we are 3 months into the New Year. I […]
Fired Up, Sisters! 🦹🏼♀️
Celebrating women and International Women’s Day!
Do You Trust Me?
222 The number 222, (today’s date) is referred to as angel numbers. These numbers are a sign of balance and […]
Balance 222
Angel Number 😇 Today is 222 Sis! When Via and I planned for the 1st Quarter of 2023, I noticed 2/22 […]
Via’s Magic Moments!
Hello My Sisters! January has come and gone. I am so looking forward to February. This month is all about […]
Pamper Thyself VLOG
Happy Feb-YOU-ary! Char’s VLOG is below 👇🏽 and at our YouTube channel @callyoursister. Enjoy!
Mocktails Week!
The week of 01/15 is Mocktails Week. Char and Via are celebrating this (along with Dry January) to share a […]
Your Word This Year is Intentional
I meditate every day. It’s not a practice I have done my whole life. In 2021 I joined a meditation […]
I am not into numerology as it is, but I recognize the importance of numbers in the Bible. 2023 can […]
Inspired Confidence
Let’s be real. In order to get to the realness we need to go back in time…to the year 2010. […]
New Freedoms.
I did a thing! 🤩 In this chapter of my life, I am embracing my creativity and speaking my voice […]
Holiday Photoshoot!
Apologies sisters! Via is under the weather so the “Behind The Scenes” Vlog for the Photoshoot is canceled. 😞 We […]
Tis the Season of Self-Care
When I came up with the subject of self-care through holiday chaos, I did not know how impactful it would […]
Self-Care Thru Holiday Chaos
Surviving the chaos of the holidays. What? There is chaos connected with the holidays? I used to handle the chaos […]
Gratitude ~ Day 14! 🙌
We made it! 14 Days of Gratitude! Check out our FB live event inside our fb group here! Via and […]
Gratitude–Day 13
Day 13! We are almost to the end! One day! Today’s word: Grace. I am grateful for grace I am […]
Gratitude-Day 11 & 12
Sisters! ^ I could really use a trip to the beach with my girls. 💕 I work a 10 hour […]
Gratitude–Day 10
Today I am most grateful for self-awareness. Being self-aware can be hard. I have learned through my therapy journey that […]
Gratitude–Day 9
Today was a very interesting day. The past 72 hours have been very surreal. I meditate on a regular basis […]
Gratitude–Day 8
Day 8! How is everyone feeling? ❤️ I have a morning routine I follow every day and today I kept […]
Gratitude–Day 7
We are at the halfway point for the Gratitude Event! YAY! How are you feeling sisters? Today was a really […]
Gratitude–day 5/6
I lost track of myself yesterday so I am giving you days five and six as a combo! Think of […]
Gratitude-Day 4
Today’s Gratitude: I took some time off from my FT job and it has been very relaxing. Today I am […]
Gratitude-Day 3
I cut my hair. Today is Day 3 of the 14 day event. I was talking to my tribe and […]
Gratitude Day 1
Today is day one of the Gratitude Event! I have been looking forward to this event! I feel like each […]
A Million Cupcakes 🧁
The last post of the months is a VLOG on Fall Favorite Treats! “A Million Cupcakes”. Sometimes all you need […]
Emotional Wellness by Via
Via shares her POV on emotional wellness and that means to her.
Char talks emotional wellness and shares a story of when her emotional wellness was not at its peak. Read her advice and learn protect/listen/carve.
Char’s Fave Parts of Fall🧣🍁
This is my favorite part of the year…hence the title. 🤭 I don’t know if anyone else feels this way, […]
Via Talks Football 🏈
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL 🏈?! I LOVE LOVE FOOTBALL! One of my Fall favorites is the start of […]
Women’s Equality
Women’s Equality is a movement that has been around since I was young. It was a springboard in the ’70s […]
Watch Your Lip💋service
We hear this often that “words have power”. Have you ever really listened to the things we say? Our words […]
Independence of ME
Check out our VLOG on our YouTube channel here!
Things My Father Taught Me
It’s hard to write this post with everything going on in the world. 💔 Juneteenth and Father’s Day fell on […]
Things My (Step)Father Taught Me
I did not know my Father. He rejected me before my birth and years later when there was an opportunity […]
Why I Celebrate Juneteenth
Hey sis! It’s June! 🙌🏾 I have been rocking shorts and sunglasses like a boss lately. Is it 90 degrees […]
Juneteenth; Why I Don’t Celebrate 😏
Via shares how she feels about Juneteenth, the traditions, and why she no longer celebrates the holiday.
Me In The Mirror 💔
Facing yourself is hard. Coming to terms with the expectations you have for yourself and others is hard. Being honest […]
Fractured/Positive Relationships
View our vlog at
Triumph Over Trouble💪🏽
Written by Via I was born into poverty. My destiny was written on the faces of my relatives and my […]
Natural Queen👑
I’ve had a love/hate relationship with my hair from as early as I can remember. There have been tears. 😢 […]
Spring Battle
The past few weeks have been rough. I’ve reinjured my ankle (temporarily), as of now it’s much better, I had a […]
All Things Spring!
written by Via 😘 I grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Spring in Oklahoma meant tornados, thunder, and rain. It meant […]
Still I Rise Poetry Slam
1st event for Call Your Sister Blog for 2022! Free event! Join to hear the phenomenal words or inspire us […]
Break the Bias: A Char Tale
I love writing. I have written off and on since I was 7. One of my favorite teachers in elementary […]
Happy International Woman’s Day!
Breaking The Bias I have been told I am unconventional, non-traditional, and weird most of my life. I have been […]
My History Is Black
I grew up in 1960. (written by Via) Right in the middle of the Civil Rights movement. I grew up […]
Char hops on video and shares ways to invest in YOU!
Cause To Disagree
Via has her annual Valentine’s Day blog rant and explains how she feels about the holiday.
DEI & The Black Effect
Char & Via share a dual blog post and talk about DEI, what it means for our black dollar and ways you can take it back by choosing where to spend your dollar.
Be The Master of Your Own Peace
Char’s blog post for MLK Day talks about protecting your peace and mastering the art of being the bigger person.
MLK and Happiness
Via talks about happiness and MLK Day for January’s end of month blog post.
It’s 2025! 🎉
Char expands on the theme of 2025 for CYS “Happiness in ME” and gives tips to bring more happiness to your life.
Happiness in YOU
Via share what the theme of “Happiness in YOU” means for her in 2025.
Look How Far We Have Come
Via reflects on how far she has grown in 2024 and encourages you to do the same!
End of the Year Inspo
Char shares ways to make the end of the year lulls turn around! Read on for inspo and remember you can always call your sister.
Gratitude: Hope
Char shares “hope” and “inspiration” for Gratitude Day 12 & 13. Read for insight to help you with your gratitude journey!